June 2017 Leadership Development Carnival

June 5, 2017
Becky Robinson
Founder and CEO of Weaving Influence
Leadership, ManagementWelcome to the June 2017 edition of the Leadership Development Carnival!
I tend to compare summer leadership to summer school. Your students may be having trouble keeping their minds on the task at hand but they have to do more in less time. Wherever your summer plans are leading you, take a few moments with a refreshing drink and check out these great posts from our favorite leaders.
Let's Get Started
(J) Anne Perschel of Germane Coaching and Consulting provided Leadership Manifesto - Why You Need One and How to Get Started. Anne writes, "Your leadership manifesto ensures you stay the course in challenging times and focus on what’s most important at all times." Find Anne on Twitter at @bizshrink.
Beth Beutler of H.O.P.E. Unlimited provided 5 Ways (Some) Multitasking Can be Good for You. Beth summarizes, "Multitasking is often frowned upon, but this post helps us sort out when it might be a good approach." Find Beth on Twitter at @bethbeutler.
Bill Treasurer of Giant Leap Consulting provided How to Manage Your Boss. Bill recaps, "Leadership isn't always about managing your direct reports. Sometimes you have to know how to 'manage up.' Managing your boss is an essential part of leadership." Find Bill on Twitter at @btreasurer.
Chris Edmonds of the Purposeful Culture Group contributed Culture Leadership Charge: Validate Effort and Results. In this post, Chris reminds us to validate the efforts of others, not just the results they get. Follow Chris on Twitter at @scedmonds.
(J) Dan McCarthy of Great Leadership provided Leadership Tips from Mankind’s Best Friend, the Dog. Dan recaps, "This lighthearted guest post from Dr. Garry McDaniel gives us 7 leadership tips learned from mankind's best friend, the dog!" Find Dan on Twitter at @greatleadership.
Dana Theus of InPower Coaching contributed How to Run a Meeting When You're Not in Charge. Dana writes, "Running a meeting with your boss and her peers puts you in a tough spot. You’re being expected to 'manage' people superior to you. You can't rely on your technical expertise because you're expected to manage the interpersonal dynamics of the meeting as well, which is hard even when dealing with peers and subordinates." Find Dana on Twitter at @DanaTheus.
David Grossman of The Grossman Group shared Leadership Communication Principles That Work. David writes, "I’m continually asked for the most important leadership communication principles. While what’s effective will vary based on the person or situation, these six tried-and-true fundamentals will make the difference between simply sharing information and communication that moves people to action (and that they feel great about)." Discover David on Twitter at @thoughtpartner
Diane Bock of Development Dimensions International (DDI) shared How to Work with People Who Aren’t You. Diane writes, "Diversity is good for business. But it doesn’t mean you will automatically have positive relationships with colleagues who are different." Discover Diane on Twitter at @DDIWorld
Eileen McDargh of The Resiliency Group provided Five Secrets to Creative Adaptability. Eileen recaps, "In the face of continuing economic challenges, a roller coaster marketplace, Congressional stalemates, and unrelenting change, leaders in every part of an organization must develop a capacity for resiliency. A cornerstone of resiliency is adaptability. Mind you, this is not the ordinary find-another-answer but rather find MANY answers." Find Eileen on Twitter at @macdarling.
Jesse Lyn Stoner of Seapoint Center provided How the Benefits of Team Vision Can Revitalize Your Team. Jesse summarizes, "Has your team gotten caught in 'team drift'? Here are eight benefits of team vision and how it helps revitalize your team." Find Jesse on Twitter at @jesselynstoner.
Jill Malleck of Epiphany at Work submitted Use Memory to Boost Self-Confidence. Jill recaps: "Confidence is different than a 'know-it-all' attitude: It’s more about feeling strong in your abilities. In every workplace, it’s not just about what you know that demonstrates leadership – it’s how confidently you lead when you don’t know." Discover Jill on Twitter at @EpiphanyAtWork.
Jim Taggart of Changing Winds provided Why Integrity Matters to Leadership. In the post, Jim explains, "New leadership approaches are needed in a globalized world. It’s about collaboration through worker self-empowerment, where calculated risk-taking is a daily endeavour and individual and collective learning is nurtured and valued." Find Jim on Twitter at @72keys.
Joel Garfinkle of the Career Advancement Blog submitted The 4 Most Powerful Leadership Words You Can Use. Joel shares: "It's not what you say, it's how you say it. Being selective in how you speak to others often determines your level of leadership. Here are four of the most powerful leadership words you can use." Discover Joel on Twitter at @JoelGarfinkle.
John Hunter of Curious Cat submitted Improving Management with Tools and Knowledge. John recaps: "The effective integration of the principles and the tools is what separates the remarkable companies we respect (and maybe envy) from all the others that are having some success but that are also struggling in many ways." Discover John on Twitter at @CuriousCat_Com.
Jon Mertz of Thin Difference submitted Jeff Bezos: How to Avoid Day 2. Jon shares, "This post addresses how a leader's approach to decision making can determine an organization's success or failure. Too many of us get stuck in what Jeff Bezos calls a 'Day 2 mindset.' Here's how to avoid that trap and make all of our decisions like it's day 1." Discover Jon on Twitter at @thindifference.
Jon Verbeck of Jon Verbeck contributed Business Owner Mistakes: No Timely Review of the Numbers. In this post, Jon reminds us that no matter the size of our business, we need to look at our numbers regularly. Follow Jon on Twitter at @jonverbeck1.
Julie Winkle-Giulioni of Julie Winkle-Giulioni provided Career Development Begins with CARE. Julie recaps, "In this short animated video, Julie explores the fundamental building blocks of career development and offers a framework for leaders committed to engaging in authentic sustainable development with others." Find Julie on Twitter at @julie_wg.
Linda Fisher Thornton of Leading in Context shared 9 Ethical Roles: Is Your leadership Team "All In?". Linda recaps: "Ethical roles apply not just to CEOs, but also to all senior leaders in an organization. And if front line leaders don’t carry these roles throughout the organization, there will be gaps in the culture. We should prepare leaders to take on these 9 important roles, to help them be 'All In' in the quest for ethical culture building." Find Linda on Twitter at @leadingincontxt.
Lisa Kohn of Chatsworth Consulting submitted How Have You Moved Past Fear With Understanding?. In this post, Lisa shares how moving past your fears into more understanding can help you be the best leader you can be. Discover Lisa on Twitter at @thoughtfulldrs.
Marcella Bremer of Leadership and Change Magazine provided What Do You Love to Do?. Marcella recaps, "What you love to do contains your gift to the world regardless of your role. Many were taught that it’s selfish to pursue what we love. Thus, we set aside what makes us unique. While when we love what we do, we are at our best and make a difference. Withholding who we are becomes the selfish act. What do you think?" Find Marcella on Twitter at @marcellabremer.
Mary Ila Ward of Horizon Point Consulting provided A Culture Where Nothing Is Ever Good Enough and How to Fix It: An Interview with Rajeev Behera CEO of Reflektive. Mary Ila recaps, "One in four people say their jobs are the most stressful part of their lives. What is creating stress in the workplace and how can it be resolved? In this post Mary Ila interviews Rajeev Behera, CEO of Reflektive, to determine the key factors that create a fear-based work culture and how it can be changed." Find Mary on Twitter at @maryilaward.
Mary Jo Asmus of Aspire Collaborative Services, LLC provided Reconnecting With Happiness. Mary Jo recaps, "Happy leaders make a difference! Don’t let your happiness slip away; examine your life and make decisions about what will help you get back to what matters." Find Mary Jo on Twitter at @mjasmus.
Miki Saxon of MAPping Company Success contributed If The Shoe Fits: No Such Thing As “Self-Made”. Miki writes, "Everybody loves stories about self-made people; the ones who have climbed from nothing to the top. The stories may be fun to read, but in reality there is no such thing as 'self-made'. Just ask Arnold Schwarzenegger." Discover Miki on Twitter at @optionsanity.
Neal Burgis of Burgis Successful Solutions submitted It’s All About Finding People Smarter than You. Neal recaps, "Leaders know that hiring people smarter than themselves makes good leadership sense when you have great ideas and need others to create and produce breakthrough results. You shouldn't be the smartest person in the room - yet you should hire the smartest people in the room." Find Neal on Twitter at @exec_solutions.
Paula Kiger of Big Green Pen provided Gambling on Leadership. Paula recaps, "Is it true that people behave in leadership simulations the way they will in reality? Lessons from a 'reality' show." Find Paula on Twitter at @biggreenpen.
Randy Conley of Leading With Trust shared 10 Ways to Tell If Your Boss is Trustworthy. Randy writes, "Everyone deserves to work for a trustworthy boss. Unfortunately, that seems to be the exception rather than the norm in today’s business world. This post shares ten ways you can tell if your boss is trustworthy. Be sure to take the poll to see how your boss compares with others." Find Randy on Twitter at @randyconley.
Shelley Row of Shelley Row provided Three Steps to Resource Yourself to be Calm Instead of Testy. In the post, Shelley asks, "Do you ever feel irritated when you know you will be meeting with that person who rubs you the wrong way?" and gives us tips for being prepared to stay calm. Find Shelley on Twitter at @shelleyrow.
Susan Mazza of Random Acts of Leadership provided A Simple Way to Rise to Your Next Level of Leadership. Susan explains, "You cannot grow to the next level of leadership by reading books, taking a class, or simply thinking about getting there. You must actually take action in real life -- and your everyday experiences offer clues that show you how to reach for it." Follow Susan on Twitter at @susanmazza.
Tanveer Naseer of Tanveer Naseer provided What Happened To Trust And Integrity In Today’s Organizations?. Tanveer explains, "Trust and integrity seem to be in decline in many organizations today. Here's a revealing look at why they remain critical to organizational success." Follow Tanveer on Twitter at @tanveernaseer.
Wally Bock of Three Star Leadership provided Leadership Balance. Wally recaps, "Dynamic balance, the balance of the athlete or the dancer, lets you engage in purposeful motion and change direction quickly." Find Wally on Twitter at @wallybock.
Thank you to everyone who submitted articles for this month's carnival! If you would like to be on the distribution list for submission calls, please contact Paula Kiger (paula @ weavinginfluence (dot) com)!