Leadership by Engagement

In today’s world, we are connected through various forms of communication channels.  Emails, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+ continue to drive what leadership instigator Seth Godin termed, “The connection economy.” The world is truly smaller. You can literally connect with someone in another continent in less than a minute without spending a dime.

Great leaders notice the connection revolution is happening at the speed of light, but creating social circles is not enough to make a positive difference in the world. As a leader you can’t afford to sit in the back of the bus. The connection bus is moving fast and is hungry for leaders that can bring fun and engagement to a new journey.

Great leaders are authentic and are all about engaging with the people around them. They share a common values and purpose. Their leadership is focused on building communities that offer a sense of belonging - a human endeavor. They create a place where people come to connect and get to know each other better. These communities are about infectious deep meaningful connections and personal growth.

Leadership by engagement tries to strike a balance between experiences and innovation. Engaged leaders believe in the potential of their surroundings. They are open to new ways and listen to the passion and ideas of the people they lead. Leadership by engagement is about building relationship that motivates creativity. People feel more empowered to act up on their ideas when leaders become supportive and willing to fail.

Leaders that build communities of engagement have a strong desire to enrich the lives of others. Are you ready to be an engaged leader?

Engaged leaders add value

People are engaged and drawn into conversations where interesting insights are shared, value is added, creativity is nurtured and empowerment occurs. There is a sense of a positive vibe within the community. People are engaged through meaningful conversations about their leadership experiences whether it’s a new book they just finished reading or meeting interesting people that can add value to the group. When you have a remarkable diversity with enriching experiences of people from different backgrounds, you truly have an opportunity to create a masterpiece together.

Engaged leaders build communities with people

Great leaders have a clear vision and a sense of mission to build something meaningful with other people. The never get caught about their own self-serving agenda. They understand that people are willing to pool their talents and energy together for one common goal. The engaged leader is willing and able to develop more leaders to create a sense of a shared platform. Everyone can contribute. Everyone can make a difference.

Engaged leaders build a shared platform

Great leaders provide the vehicle and resources for people to perform together on “stage.” Leadership is about the collective capacity and the fullness of each member. The essence of any engaged community is to connect people to each other and put that collective energy toward a meaningful task or experience. When you widen the circle of involvement, you make room for everyone, their talents and areas they can develop even more.



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