Lunch Workshop for Technology Professionals

Do you lead or supervise a team in a technology related area of the business?  If so, you're probably stuck to some degree in a Catch 22 caused by our economy.  Businesses need you to get more done with less.  You have fewer people, less (or no) money in your budget, and your company needs you to respond faster with fewer errors than ever before.  Maybe you're the survivor of a layoff or a reorganization and you're trying to rebuild a team while systems or applications are breaking.  Your managers claim they understand, but you have this nagging feeling that your performance won't measure up.  And you're pretty sure your team members are looking for work.  Everyone is too bogged down in fire-fighting to be able to learn any new technology.  The prevailing fear is that they will lose ground to others who are able to train and work on newer technology.  No one wants to be stuck working on the legacy systems forever.  What can you do to exercise leadership, help your people and your company excel without killing yourself.

Well, the first thing you can do is sign up for a free workshop May 13 offered by OakTree Software and Mike Henry from The Lead Change Group called Solving IT Management Problems.  The workshop is scheduled over lunch (11:30 am to 1 PM) at the OakTree offices in the Boulder Towers, 15th and Boulder in Tulsa.

Mike has over 20 years experience in corporate middle management both within IT and on the business side.  In this hour and a half workshop, Mike will provide some practical ideas to handle pressing problems for IT managers.  We're not going to solve every problem you have over lunch, but you will walk out with actionable ideas and enthusiasm for implementing them.  We'll discuss an overall framework, but then we'll drill down to ideas that you can begin to implement when you walk out.

Space is limited so if you're interested, please reserve your place.  You can register for the workshop at or at

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