Resiliency Coaching Increases Revenue and Decreases Employee Burnout

October 30, 2020
Eileen McDargh, CSP, CPAE
CEO (Chief Energy Officer), The Resiliency Group
burnout, Coaching, empathy, employee burnout, employee engagement, honest feedback, resilience, resiliencyAn exhaustive research study by BetterUp, the global leader in mobile-based professional coaching, produced significant findings through its industry-leading research unit. In short, organizations and individuals who grew in resilience mindsets, behaviors and relationships significantly increased more than three times their annual revenue growth rate and reported 52% less burnout among employees.
In the age of Covid-19, there’s not an organization or an individual who won’t benefit from cultivating resilience which can be taught, practiced, and nurtured. With millions of people experiencing anxiety and adversity at various levels, developing and strengthening resilience has never been more important.
The first place to start is to practice and support well-being. There are protective behaviors that contribute to well-being: sleep, physical activity, and a sense of meaning and purpose. Notice that the first two behaviors deal with the physical body. Interesting that we’ll take care of others before we create the demands our body needs.
When it comes to sleep, create a transition space—literally. This space bans all electronic devices for at least 45 minutes hour leading up to bedtime. No email. No cellphone. No television news. Set a bedtime to allow for a MINIMUM of seven hours of sleep. Practice deep breathing as you begin to rest. Realize that nothing else matters and whatever activities haunted the day will be there tomorrow. You need sleep.
For managers, check in with your team to see how they are doing on sleep. Make it a practice that no one is to send emails after a certain hour and none on the weekend. Create organizational boundaries to support well-being.
Physical activity works best if it is done first thing in the morning and then periodically during the day. Begin each morning with some form of aerobic activity of any intensity. Even if the weather doesn’t cooperate, walk a circuit inside the house, ride a stationary bike, bench-press your toddlers. (Just had to throw that one in for laughs—though it’s not a bad idea.) Set an alarm that goes off every hour or so to remind you to get up from the desk and move. Some people put on dance music. Others walk outside, dust furniture, you name it. Just move.
A sense of meaning and purpose often take time to uncover. Begin to journal about times when you felt energized by an activity—either at work or home. What was it about that activity that left a feeling of satisfaction, perhaps even joy? Recall as many as you can. What is the common thread that runs through them? How can you create that now? In my work as a consultant with the WHY Institute, there is a powerful tool to help identify one’s WHY, How, and What. You can contact me for more information or go directly to the WHY Institute.
For managers, developing good communication techniques that include demonstrating empathy, reflective listening, and consistent feedback help a team member feel valued and appreciated. By specifically telling each individual what value they bring to the organization might also clarify a sense of purpose and meaning.
In these uncertain times of various crises, economic upheaval, social unrest, and governments in disarray, building your ability to cultivate resilience is job number one. The words of Nelson Mandela ring truer now than ever:
“To not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again." ― Nelson Mandela