The 7 Deadly Sins of Management

“We have a problem Houston!” The problem is that most U.S. organizations suffer from the 7 Deadly Sins of Management. The 7 Deadly Sins of Management are:
- Lack of clear direction
- No line of sight
- Unclear accountability
- Inconsistent language
- Poor issue transparency
- Insufficient resources
- Inadequate tools/skills
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How about honesty as a critical and essential characteristic of good management? This does not mean full disclosure to all employees about corporate plans. It does mean that senior management does not lie to its employees, whether the employees are upper management or the general employee population at large.
V. R. Sebasti
Personally I think the one sin that really kills off management confidence is a lack of resources. Not only does it destroy confidence in management but it hamper project implementation. It is in my mind the number one deadly sin.