Contest: Exposing Exceptional Performance in HR

September 28, 2010
Sonia Di Maulo
Recognition and HR
HR professionals work hard to make the workplace a better place! Through their hard work, their exceptional performance sometimes gets overlooked. And so in keeping with what I do (I expose exceptional performance) the contest, Exposing Exceptional Performance in HR, was born!
The goal of this contest is to help Leaders and the Organization:
- Gather insight about the exceptional work of their HR professionals
- Gather insight about themselves by focusing on the recognition of others
- Celebrate success
Organization leaders are invited to send in a story in written or video format of how an HR professional helped them develop solutions that improve the workplace and resolve an organizational or team challenge. The 3 Top Stories will be recognized as models of HR excellence amongst their peers and win prizes worth a total combined value of approximately $15,200!
Submitting early has its privileges – prize draws for submissions received before October 1st are eligible!
For more information on how to enter and to download the story submission form, visit Contest Headquarters on the Web! You can also see the list of sponsors at that link too. I am grateful for the support of my sponsors.
Thank you!
Next contest! At the close of this contest, we will be launching another: Exposing Exceptional Performance in PM (Project Management)! Already getting judges… a new cycle begins! If you are interested in submitting prizes or in becoming a judge please contact me by e-mail at
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Mike Henry Sr., Michael McKinney, Jessica Henry, Vicky Henry, Sonia Di Maulo and others. Sonia Di Maulo said: RT @jdhenry09: RT @mikehenrysr Contest: Exposing Exceptional Performance in HR #LeadChange […]