Don’t Be a Leader of Stupid Rules

April 18, 2016
Chip Bell
Innovative Customer Service Keynote Speaker
Leadership, ManagementWhen Alexander II was the Czar of what is now Russia in the mid 1800’s, he looked out of his palace window and observed a soldier guarding an area of the palace lawn that appeared to be little more than empty space. “What is that soldier guarding?” he asked then-Ambassador Otto van Bismarck. Bismarck asked the captain of the guard for a reason for the sentry’s post. He learned only that the soldier was following a long standing order at the palace. It was the 1800’s version of “We’ve always done it that way!”
Vowing to learn the rationale for the guard duty, Bismarck had the soldier asked if he knew why he was standing guard over what appeared to be empty space. The soldier was clueless as to the reason but assured his inquirer he was following precise orders. His superior also did not know why, only that this particular post had always been under strict orders to be guarded around the clock. Undaunted by bureaucratic ignorance, Bismarck finally found an elder soldier who reported what his father, also a palace guard, had told him.
Some 150 years early during the reign of Catherine the Great, the region had a long, hard winter. One morning, looking from the same window from which Alexander II would later peer, Queen Catherine saw the first flower of spring pushing out of the snow covered palace lawn. Wanting to enjoy this lone flower for as long as possible, she posted a guard to protect the flower from being picked.
Unfortunately, the order was never rescinded. So, for many years to follow, soldier after soldier engaged in a round the clock meaningless act in strict obedience to what quickly became a completely absurd policy. No one challenged the policy; they just did what they were told. The flower story is relevant today.
Policies and practices, appropriate at the time of their creation, can assume a permanent life of their own. As circumstances change (which they always will), the “givens” that govern enterprise must be examined and questioned. Without a culture that values boldness and candor, well-meaning front line employees will follow, even defend, the rules that add no value. They will guard flowers that are not there. It takes leaders willing to challenge unhelpful procedures and question valueless rules.
Stupid Rule Clue: Customer Anger
Growing up on a cattle farm provides a chance to see the promise and perils of freedom. For months cows leisurely graze, sleep in the shade and drink water from a nearby pond. In the winter when there is no grass, bales of hay are delivered to their “doorstep.” But, when the time comes for the cows to be transported to market, herding can become a challenge. It starts out rather peaceful; but as cows are steered from the open pasture into small holding pens and then forced to go up a loading chute and onto the truck, it requires low voltage electric prods to convert their resistance into compliance.
What does this cattle herding metaphor have to do with you? If you limit your customers’ freedom with stupid rules, you pay the price with their propensity to respond with greater than normal wrath. They take out their anger on your frontline, ramping up stress and turnover. They assertively trash your reputation. Their social media rantings spotlight your “stupid rules” as they inform hundreds of potential customers to stay clear of your “holding pens and loading shootschutes.” Examine where customers show their angst and ask: “Is this a stupid rule that needs to be exorcised?”
Overcome “Stupid Rule” Blindness
Growing up in the rural Deep South at a time of racial segregation, I witnessed the socially accepted norms of the times—whites and blacks had separate bathrooms, water fountains, schools, and sections in the theatre. No one, black or white, challenged that thought process; it was the way things were. My primary playmates were the African-American children whose parents worked on my dad’s farm; the topic of segregation never came up. I was in late junior high before I realized how inane it all was. Why was it not obvious to me much younger that such practices were completely wrong? How could I have been so socially blind?
The “this is the way it has always been done” rationale is more than a plea for a comfortable status quo; it is a signal that an alternative to practice may not be easily seen. Think of all the assumptions of yesteryear we took for granted. Employees can’t work from home, business casual will lead to low productivity, or the workday is nine to five; the work week forty hours. We can catalog a gazillion current myths that once were accepted truths. It takes leaders who boldly create disruptor patterns aimed at questioning the limitation of “what is” in pursuit of a more progressive “what might be.”
Organize a “service garbage patrol” to spot and report places service is a needless hassle for customers. Start with your customers' first encounter. A restaurant might select the parking lot. If your customers’ experiences with your “parking lot” were a picture of your whole service system, what would it tell them about what you value and your top priorities? What is their ending memory at farewell? Now, focus the service garbage detection spotlight on every other process in search of stupid rules.
TD Bank created a “Kill a Stupid Rule” program; any employee who spotted a rule that kept employees from delighting customers got a fifty-dollar reward. Like TD Bank, make busting customer-restricting bureaucracy more valued than protecting those “sacred cows” long in need of slaughtering. A Board of Customers might provide keen insight into stupid rules that employees take for granted. Create an on-going virtual customer focus group focused on policies, procedures and practices. Take an empathy walk with a key customer through your service processes and beg her or him for candor about the experience.
Leadership has had its history of being characterized by a role of control. Rules create order, policies prevent anarchy, and leaders protect stability. Clearly there are circumstances where rules are crucial to safety, ethics and fairness. This is not a plea for revolt. But, the truth is order and rationality do not need to be added by leaders; they ooze from the seams of every business encounter.
Leadership today is about fostering the illogic of innovation, the irrationality of passion and purpose, and the instability of change. Holding on to stupid rules restrains us from the adventure of advancement. Following the current may give us momentary ease and comfort, but only dead fish swim with the current. In the words of Helen Keller, “Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all.”
Hi Chip,
Excellent post on getting rid of stupid rules. It is amazing how many times I’ve asked why we are doing something a certain way and the answer is we’ve been doing it that way for many years or it is a corporate policy. When I challenge them to show the policy, they cannot provide the evidence. In the end, we were able to remove it and make things better. In fact, we have the no stupid rule policy in our management team to force ourselves to think through what is going on versus just following the status quo.
Will Lukang
Outstanding Chip! Customer anger is a great example of a symptom of stupid rules. You have me pondering what other symptoms there could be that there are stupid rules in place.
Hi, Chip – another excellent post with some fascinating stories.
I once was responsible for helping employees install a standardized organizational system for both paper and electronic workflow in an organization. As part of that, I would spend much time working with individual employees as they literally took their workspace apart, organized all items into standardized categories and reorganized how they stored data and materials.
A big part of this was analyzing work processes. One time, I had an employee who was struggling with what to call a work step in which she received forms from another employee and in turn, gave them to a third employee … without doing anything to the forms, such as verifying or sorting. After much discussion about this, we were unable to determine why she was held responsible for doing this, other than that familiar “I”ve always done it this way” statement.
Similarly to your story about Alexander, I finally learned from a long-time employee that years earlier, two women who did not like each other each had responsibility for a step in a work process. Since they could not get along, their manager chose the coward’s way out by inserting a third employee (the “ancestor” of the women with whom I was working) to receive and pass on the documents.
Over the years, just like the soldiers guarding the empty spot, generations of employees were taught to follow the “system” without awareness of why that step existed or why it was pointless.
Two lessons here for me: 1) Managers sometimes create more problems when they are reluctant to face an issue honestly and directly; and 2) Employees are more prone to simply doing what they are told without much, if any, questioning of the reasons or rationale for doing something than we might like to think.
Thanks for both the trip down memory lane and the reminder of how we need to continually analyze what we are doing, why we are doing it, and whether we should stop or change doing it:)
Excellent post on the importance of performance and not just following the status quo