February 2015 Leadership Development Carnival

February 2, 2015
Becky Robinson
Founder and CEO of Weaving Influence
Leadership development carnivalWelcome to the February 2015 edition of the Leadership Development Carnival!
For those of you who watched the Super Bowl this weekend, did you gain any leadership takeaways? It seems that sports frequently provides an opportunity for leadership analogies!
This month, participants were given a choice of submitting a recent post or tackling the question of coping with external leadership challenges (for example, budget allocations or opposition from community entities). We opened up the carnival to older posts in order to capture participants best posts on this topic.
Let's Get Started
Anne Perschel, Ph.D., of Germane Consulting submitted How To Define Your Company Purpose. She shares: "This is the first of a two-part series on defining company purpose and vision. Purpose is the springboard for an aspirational vision that inspires and galvanizes people. Follow Anne on Twitter at @bizshrink.
Beth Miller of Executive Velocity submitted If You Aren't Revisiting Your Employees' Goals, How Are You Helping Them Grow? Beth writes, "Organizations often have to shift their goals due to the rapidly changing landscape. It is important that leaders revisit employee goals consistently to insure that employees’ goals are aligned with the company’s goals." Follow Beth on Twitter at @SrExecAdvisor.
Bruce Harpham of Project Management Hacks submitted The ABC Problem Solving Strategy. As Bruce notes, "dealing with challenges requires both proactive and reactive tools. I cover both in the ABC problem solving strategy." Follow Bruce on Twitter at @PMPHacks.
Chery Gegelman of Giana Consulting submitted 11 Tips For Dealing With Manipulators. This post addresses the fact that there are master manipulators in real life just like in soap operas...and each one of them knows that they are in control if they can successfully divide people. Find Chery on Twitter at @GianaConsulting.
Dana Theus of In Power Consulting submitted Fearless Feedback. In her post and the accompanying video, Dana explores why the feedback loop sometimes shuts down: "Both sides begin to fear the result of open feedback and before long the feedback cycle diminishes or stops all together." Follow Dana on Twitter at @danatheus.
Jane Perdue of the Braithwaite Innovation Group contributed How To Involve The Right People In The Right Way. Jane says: "Every decision, project, and strategy that you make or do impacts others. That makes those people your stakeholders. So to be successful in leading up, down, across, and diagonally, you need to identify and involve the right people in the right way." Follow Jane on Twitter @thehrgoddess.
Jennifer V. Miller of The People Equation shared Reinvigorate Your Leadership Goals With 60 x 6. According to Jennifer, this post is a quick way to get back on track if you are already feeling the energy drain out of your leadership-related New Year's resolutions. Follow Jennifer on Twitter at @JenniferVMiller.
Jesse Lyn Stoner of the Seapoint Center provided Do You Have a Blah, Blah, Blah Vision or a Driving Vision?. Jesse summarized: "Some visions generate a tremendous amount of energy that drive you and your team where you want to go. Others are simply blah, blah, blah. Here are the 7 characteristics of a driving vision and what to do if your vision is just a wall decoration." Follow Jesse on Twitter at @JesseLynStoner.
Jim Taggart of Changing Winds submitted Leading In A Time Of Rapidly Shifting Tectonic Plates Jim says: "I chose a post which looks at external challenges, namely economic forces which are causing major challenges for both national governments and organizations. Leadership will play an increasingly important role in how political and corporate leaders will tackle these competitive forces." Find Jim on Twitter at @72keys.
Joel Garfinkle of Career Advancement Blog contributed Seven Ways To Sell Your Ideas to Management. According to Joel, these seven tips help you communicate and advocate for your ideas successfully, since influencing upward is about selling your ideas to management. Find Joel on Twitter at @JoelGarfinkle.
John Hunter of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog provided Bad Weather Is Part Of The Transportation System. He writes: "The management system must be designed and managed so that the organization successfully delivers value to customers under the conditions the organization will face. A system unable to deliver good results under the conditions everyone knows it will face is one with poor leadership." Follow John on Twitter at @curiouscat_com.
Jon Mertz of Thin Difference sent 5 Bold Ideas From The Recent Millennial Momentum. Jon continues: "Finding purpose in our work can be a challenge for leaders of any age. These five bold ideas from Millennial leaders will help make that challenge more attainable." Follow Jon on Twitter @ThinDifference.
Julie Winkle Giulioni of Design Arounds submitted Small Steps Drive Significant Change. Julie said, "Part of grappling with external factors and challenges involves affecting change in your organization. I suggest a counter intuitive approach to this important leadership role in this post." Follow Julie on @julie_wg.
KG Charles-Harris of MAPping Company Success provided Entrepreneurs: The Chief Hustler. This post by shares the truth abut leading a start-up from someone who is currently doing that. Follow MAPping Company Success on Twitter @OptionSanity.
Karin Hurt of Let's Grow Leaders submitted Another Way To Outsmart The Competition. Karin contends: "More than ever, telling the whole truth has become a competitive advantage. Outsmart the competition by being an explainer." Follow Karin on Twitter at @letsgrowleaders.
Laura Schroeder of Basware submitted Out of the Box. In this post, she shared a recent book club review and connected that review with how to create more positive interactions at work. Find Laura on Twitter at @workgal.
Linda Fisher Thornton of Leading In Context contributed Imagining The Future Of Leadership. She says: "The future of leadership is globally collaborative and inclusive - communication, relationships and trust will be crucial." Follow her on Twitter at @Leadingincontxt.
Mark Deterding of Triune Leadership Services shared How Are You Doing With Patience?. Mark asks: "In a world obsessed with instant gratification, as a leader how are you doing with patience? Hear about a story in which patience has paid huge dividends." Follow Mark on Twitter at @mwdeterding.
Michael Lee Stallard of Michael Lee Stallard submitted How to Save the Shack. Addressing the challenges currently faced by Radio Shack, he recommends steps including "restore employee pride" and "tap employee brilliance." Follow Michael on Twitter at @michaelstallard.
Mike Henry, Sr. of Owasso Character Council contributed Going All Out With Determination. Mike notes "without determination we won't accomplish anything worthwhile. Follow Mike on Twitter at @mikehenrysr.
Neal Burgis, Ph.D. of Burgis Successful Solutions submitted External Thought Leaders Drive Innovation. In this post, Neal discusses how business leaders drive innovation through their entrepreneurial employees. These individuals take direction from their leaders, and then generate ideas, create and produce the innovative breakthrough results they have an emotional connection with. Find Neal on Twitter @exec_solutions.
Randy Conley of Leading With Trust submitted 8 Tips For Dealing With Unfair Criticism. Randy shares: "One of the most common challenges leaders will face is being wounded by friendly fire – unfair criticism from a boss or colleague. These eight actionable tips show how you can not only manage through this type of challenge, but emerge with your integrity and professionalism in tact." Follow Randy on Twitter at @randyconley.
Robyn McLeod of Chatsworth Consulting Group submitted 5 Key Factors to Having Those Hard Conversations. This post covers shares how to successfully navigate difficult conversations, whether it be delivering tough feedback, standing up for your team, or dealing with a harsh critic. Follow Chatsworth Consulting Group's Thoughtful Leaders on Twitter at @ThoughtfulLdrs.
S. Chris Edmonds of Driving Results Through Culture contributed Values Matter. In sharing this post, Chris explains: "I’m always inspired by high performing organizations that are international about their values and culture. My blog post and podcast feature two companies, one of which survived the indictment of three senior executives on federal charges of conspiracy to defraud the government to a culture based on vision and shared values. Their engaged employees and performance show how important values are." Follow Chris on Twitter @scedmonds.
Simon Mitchell of Development Dimensions International submitted Every Move You Make, They'll Be Watching You. In this post, Simon shares that leaders - while judged so thoroughly - are just like everyone else and capable of the same mistakes, missteps and awkward moments as other people. When dealing with external challenges, leaders need to be authentic and empathetic, displaying their human side no matter how uncomfortable this may feel. After all, a real person is someone people want to work with.
Tanveer Naseer of Tanveer Naseer Leadership submitted How Leaders Can Cure A Toxic Workplace. In this post, Tanveer outlines 4 key measures based on neuroscience findings that leaders can use to detoxify a toxic workplace in their organization. Follow Tanveer on Twitter at @TanveerNaseer.
Tom Walter of Thomas J. Walter submitted Solving External Leadership Challenges Through Engaged Employees. In this post, Tom outlines four examples which have frequently proven to solve external challenges faster and more accurately. Follow Tom on Twitter at @TomWalter1971.
Wally Bock of Three Star Leadership sent Dealing With The Dust Catcher. Acknowledging that dealing with behavior issues can be the most time-consuming and frustrating part of being a boss, Wally contributes a post providing effective strategies. Follow Wally on Twitter at @wallybock.
Until Next Time
We appreciate everyone who submitted posts for this month's carnival. We encourage you to follow our fantastic contributors and consider contributing yourself.
For the March carnival, we are pleased to announce that Rich Wellins, Ph.D., Development Dimensions International (DDI) Senior Vice President is hosting the March Leadership Development Carnival on DDI’s blog, Talent Management Intelligence.
We will send submission details later this month.
Thank you for including my article in the carnival. It’s good to be in the company of other leaders.
Thank you for your contribution, Bruce!
Love the Carnival! Leaders need all of the resources we can get to hone our craft>
So true, Jane! Thanks for joining us this month.