February Tweet Chat

February 16, 2010
Mike Henry
Operations and IT Consultant
Character-based Leadership, Community, conversation, Leadership, tweet chatWith short notice we held the February Tweet Chat yesterday. The topic of conversation: "How can we help each other build character-based leadership in our communities?" Because of the short notice and the holiday, participation was down but ideas shared were meaningful and worthwhile. Like John Watt said late in the hour, this was the "fastest moving hour" of the day.
So what were the ideas? Phil Gerbyshak had a great idea early that got everyone re-tweeting. We need to model character-based leadership personally. Tara Gotwalt talked about Leadership Bartlesville (Oklahoma) and some of the things they do to advance character. They (like my own town of Owasso, OK) utilize material by Character First. For me the conversation had a lot of good ideas, but few were personally actionable. Then Monica Diaz and suggested that we find "a local paper or radio show that is also a biz of character." The idea was to get them to run interviews or panels to talk about character-based leadership.
Then an idea hit me: why not find a local business that I can do a post (or even a series on) related to their character-based leadership (CBL) and how they apply CBL or use it in their business. What makes them different as a result? What problems do they avoid? What challenges do they encounter? Several people (and I have your names) retweeted that idea, so I'll be looking for your posts!
There were many other great ideas in the chat as well, but we definitely need to chose a different time an place as the number of people participating was about half last time. Stay tuned for changes in March. Meanwhile, you can download the transcript here.
But don't let the fact that you missed the chat stop you. What can you do? How can this group help you take action to encourage character-based leadership in your community? What will it take?
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This post was mentioned on Twitter by mikehenrysr: Tweet Chat summary posted including a link to the archive! Character-based Leadership Tweet Chat http://bit.ly/8XI3Ew…
Hi Mike,
Thanks for sharing the transcript for the Tweetchat! I am so sorry I missed the collaboration of so many brilliant minds. It was wonderful to catch the discussions.
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