July 2015 Leadership Development Carnival
July 7, 2015
Paula Kiger
Braithwaite Innovation Group, Jane Perdue, Leadership development carnivalThe Lead Change Group is grateful to Jane Perdue of Braithwaite Innovation Group for hosting the July 2015 Leadership Development Carnival.
Contributions that incorporated themes of freedom, independence, and pushing boundaries were encouraged.
In addition to freedom, independence, and pushing boundaries, we also noted several entries that happened to coincide with the Lead Change July theme of "creatively resolving conflict."
Here are a few examples:
Moral Values
In the post contributed by Chris Edmonds, he addresses the choices people can be faced with when directed to act in ways that conflict with their moral values. He encourages:
Make the choice today to be trustworthy, to do what you say you will do, to be kind, to be gracious, to express gratitude for effort as well as for accomplishment, to be reliable, to be respectful with everyone.
You’ll be able to hold your head high – and you might even influence others to be more respectful and of service, over time.
Does an "anti-you" seem like someone with whom you would potentially have a conflict? In his post, Dan McCarthy explains why effective decision making is more likely if a person consults their "anti-you":
The quickest, easiest, and most effective way to do this is by consulting an “anti-you” before you make a decision. Another term used to describe “anti-yous” is “PNLUs”, or “people not like us”. Getting diverse perspectives will usually generate more innovative solutions.
The Collision of Holacracy and Freedom
In his post, Jon Mertz explored what happens when the activist employee culture of holacracy conflicts with freedom. Having read the book Holacracy, he opines:
Holacracy and freedom need to collide. From these collisions, good things are ahead for the next generation of leaders and team members.
The Conflict Between How You See Yourself and How Others See You
In her post, Susan Mazza suggests leaders come to terms with how the world sees them, because sometimes leaders change but the people around them do not realize the depth of the changes. She notes:
You may even discover that some of the people most important to you have actually been waiting for your perception of yourself to catch up to their already high regard for you.
Freedom ... Independence ... Pushing Boundaries ... Conflict
Please visit the full carnival post here to see all 22 submissions!
Each of the contributors would appreciate a visit to their articles, and we would be grateful if you would share the carnival among your contacts. You can easily tweet your support by using our simple click to tweet feature.
The Lead Change Group will be hosting the August 2015 Leadership Development Carnival so stay tuned for our announcement in the coming weeks. We're looking forward to another great month.