Leading Change - LeadershipChat October 18, 2011

October 17, 2011
Mike Henry
Operations and IT Consultant
Change, lead change, LeadershipChat, twitterTomorrow night, I'm the guest of Lisa Petrilli (LCG, LinkedIn, @LisaPetrilli) and Steve Woodruff (@swoodruff) for LeadershipChat. Check out this great post as an intro to the discussion. Then, join us Tuesday, October 18 at 8 PM ET by going to Twitter and following the hashtag #LeadershipChat on Twitter or on Tweetchat. We'll be "discussing" Leading Change. What does it take to lead change? Do you need permission to lead change? If you're not leading change, what are you doing?
Will you join us? 8-9 PM Eastern Time, Tuesday October 18, 2011.