March 2016 Leadership Development Carnival

March 7, 2016
Becky Robinson
Founder and CEO of Weaving Influence
Leadership, Leadership development carnivalWelcome to the March 2016 edition of the Leadership Development Carnival!
There are so many fascinating themes in this month's carnival! They range from how to lead in a crisis to how to develop leadership qualities when things are calm. Take a moment to browse through ALL of this month's fantastic selections; you are sure to come away encouraged!
Let's Get Started
Anne Perschel of Germane Consulting submitted Speed & Beauty of Emotional Intelligence Examined. Anne shares, "The speed, beauty and effectiveness of emotional intelligence is exemplified by Ted Kennedy’s announcement, to a mostly black audience, that Martin Luther King had been murdered. The post includes with 3 question to boost your emotional intelligence in unexpected and tense situations." Locate Anne on Twitter at @bizshrink.
Bill Treasurer of Giant Leap Consulting contributed Does Being Disorganized Make You Less Effective?. Bill recaps, "An effective manager is an organized manager — because being organized reduces distractions and removes the unnecessary from your life. Sometimes “getting organized” is easier said than done, however. Here are five steps to get your act together." Follow Bill on Twitter at @btreasurer.
Chery Gegelman of Giana Consulting shared 1 Way to Break the Cycle of the Flip-Flopping Leader . Chery writes, "When someone deeply researches and considers and issue and changes their mind - It's called thinking." However, when titled leaders flip-flop because they haven't done their homework, and are simply avoiding conflict they aren’t leading, they are looking out for themselves." Chery is on Twitter at @gianaconsulting.
Chris Edmonds of the Purposeful Culture Group contributed Write it Down, Then Act on It. Chris summarizes how this post: "shares new research that validates the benefits of formalizing goals and holding oneself accountable for those goals, just as the mythical 1953 Yale Study of Goals (which never happened) proposed. Along with Edmonds’ proven values accountability system, greater team effectiveness is within reach!" Follow Chris on Twitter at @scedmonds.
Conor Cusack submitted An Open Letter to Mr. Frederick Douglass. In this post, Conor looks back on the legacy of Frederick Douglass and imagines changes to education which would thrill him, should he visit 2016. Find Conor on Twitter at @conorcusack.
David Dye of Trailblaze, Inc., shared Success at Leadership, Life - and Volcanoes. David writes, "Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a difficult challenge and had thoughts like: “What was I thinking, believing I could do this?” David shares a personal and inspiring story of how to overcome these common leadership doubts." Discover David on Twitter at @davidmdye.
David J. Greer of Coach David J. Greer contributed Finish Well. David shares, "Focusing on how you finish your day sets you up to be the best leader you can be for your next day." Encounter David on Twitter at @djgreer.
Eileen McDargh of The Resiliency Group provided Resiliency Rebounding, a Lesson in Leadership. This piece asks, "Imagine closing your doors at a time when customers are ready to spend money?" and looks at how the Chipotle restaurant chain jumped to reclaim its credibility after a recent food-based infection outbreak that resulted in customer illness. Discover Eileen on Twitter at @macdarling.
Jesse Lyn Stoner of the Seapoint Center provided Great Leaders Assume a Listening Attitude. Jesse summarized: "Research shows that most people think they are good listeners… and they’re wrong. Good listening is about more than learning skills, it’s about developing a 'listening attitude'." Follow Jesse on Twitter at @JesseLynStoner.
Jill Malleck of Epiphany at Work contributed How to Become a More Patient and Attentive Leader. Jill shares, "Every day life is full of opportunities to develop new leadership habits. Here’s an example of how a leader learned patience." Find Jill on Twitter at @epiphanyatwork.
Joel Garfinkle of the Career Advancement Blog submitted The Power of Gratitude in the Workplace. Joel recaps: "Learn the physical and emotional benefits of gratitude and 4 ways to bring it more into your life and work." Discover Joel on Twitter at @JoelGarfinkle.
John E. Smith of The Strategic Learner shared Urgent Illusions... John describes the post as, "a revisiting of the relationship between urgent and important, with special attention to how and why this shows up in the workplace." Find John on Twitter at @stratlearner.
John Spence of Achieving Business Excellence with John Spence contributed Effective Followership. John shares, "To be a successful leader, you must have superb followers. Here are some ideas about how to be an effective follower." Follow John on Twitter at @awesomelysimple.
Julie Winkle-Giulioni of Julie Winkle-Giulioni submitted RESPECT: Find Out What It Means. Julie summarizes, "Managers who want to build strong teams capable of delivering strong results can take meaningful steps forward with just one word: RESPECT." Find Julie on Twitter at @julie_wg.
Marcella Bremer of Leadership and Change Magazine shared Suffer, Survive or Thrive in Organizational Culture?. Marcella describes the post: "Three stages of organizational culture are when people suffer, survive or thrive at work. Check the characteristics to gauge your workplace's energy level. Do you see how leaders can make a difference to the culture when they change their style of leading and managing?" Locate Marcella on Twitter at @marcellabremer.
Mary Jo Asmus of Aspire Collaborative Services, LLC contributed Making a Connection Instead of Solving a Problem. Mary Jo says, "The best leaders know that people aren’t a problem to be solved; they are a connection to be made." Find Mary Jo on Twitter at @mjasmus.
Michael Lee Stallard of Connection Culture shared Leading With Character: Humility. To summarize, "Great leaders lead with great character. In this article, Michael Lee Stallard explains why humble leaders are more successful and provides tips for leading with humility." Follow Michael Lee on Twitter at @michaelstallard and @connecttothrive.
Neal Burgis of Burgis Successful Solutions submitted Leaders Bringing Out Creativity from Your Employees. Neal recaps, "In bringing out the creativity in employees, leaders need to look at how different they need to be as compared to working in a “traditional” or ordinary work environment. Creative employees conduct higher and greater performance than non-creatives." Find Neal on Twitter at @exec_solutions.
Paul LaRue of The UPwards Leader contributed It's Time to Measure Authenticity Quotiont (AQ). Paul continues, "In the quest for what measures great leaders, here's a trait that is coming on the horizon. Measuring a person's authenticity may be the best way yet to gauge sustainable leadership influence." Discover Paul on Twitter at @paul_larue.
Randy Conley of Leading With Trust shared 4 Essential Skills Every Manager Needs to Learn. Randy writes, "Becoming a manager for the first time is a significant career milestone, but studies have shown that most new managers lack the skills and training for their new role. In this post, Randy Conley shares four essential skills that will help new managers get started on the right foot. Find Randy on Twitter at @randyconley.
Robyn McLeod of Chatsworth Consulting submitted Comparing Yourself to Others is a Waste of Time -- and Here's How to Stop. Robyn continues, "In the post, I encourage instead of comparing yourself to others, refocus on who you are, your personal journey, and the choices that you are making for yourself so that you can move forward with greater strength, clarity and happiness." Locate Robyn on Twitter at @ThoughtfulLdrs.
Susan Mazza of Random Acts of Leadership contributed The Barriers to Connecting Effectively Through Communication. Susan shares, "Consider a situation in which you are having difficulty connecting with someone. Are any of these 4 attitudes hindering your communication?" Find Susan on Twitter at @susanmazza.
Tanveer Naseer of Tanveer Naseer shared The One Thing Today's Leaders Need to Do. Tanveer writes, "With all the numerous things that demands a leader's attention, there is one thing that every leader needs to do to help their organization succeed. This post examines what this one critical step is for today's leadership." Connect with Tanveer on Twitter at @tanveernaseer.
Wally Bock of Three Star Leadership submitted Let's Try it and See. Wally recaps, "Don’t debate your ideas to death. Try them out instead." Find Wally on Twitter at @wallybock.
Thank you to everyone who submitted articles for this month's carnival! If you would like to be on the distribution list for submission calls, please contact Paula Kiger (paula @ weavinginfluence (dot) com)!