March 2015 Leadership Development Carnival - Preparing Leaders For Success

March 2, 2015
Paula Kiger
Development Dimensions International, Leadership development carnivalThe Lead Change Group is grateful to Rich Wellins and his team at Development Dimensions International for hosting the March 2015 Leadership Development Carnival.
This month, the contributors addressed the topic of preparing leaders for success in the future and the ways in which we can continue to escalate the quality of leadership development.
According to Rich Wellins, in DDI’s recent Global Leadership Forecast, they found that leaders today aren’t doing very well:
Of the 13,124 leaders who participated in the survey, only 40 percent say the overall quality of their organization’s leadership is high. And of the 1,528 global human resources executives who participated, only 25 percent viewed their organization’s leaders as high-quality.
Please visit the full carnival post at Development Dimensions International to see what others are saying about how to prepare leaders for success in the future and the ways in which they can continue to escalate the quality of leadership development.
Each of the contributors would appreciate a visit to their articles, and we would be grateful if you would share the carnival among your contacts. You can easily tweet your support by using our simple click to tweet feature.
The Lead Change Group will be hosting the April 2015 Leadership Development Carnival so stay tuned for our topic announcement in the coming weeks. We're looking forward to another great month.