Quality Leadership Changes The World

December 24, 2009
Mike Henry
Operations and IT Consultant
Actions, beliefs, Difference, Excellence, lead change, Leadership, QualityThe original idea for the Lead Change Group was launched on March 30, 2009. It rose out of my desire to develop as a leader and build quality leaders. I prefer action to inaction, so rather than hoping someone else would do something, I began the group.
My goal was to act on my belief that all quality leadership brings about positive change. Poor leadership brings about negative change. (Note: some poor leadership spawns positive change as a reaction, but not as a direct cause.) Good or bad, leadership creates change, or it's not leadership. It's just noise. Positive change is often referred to as win-win. Positive change is "worth it" to everyone involved. Excellent leadership is worth the effort.
But I have another belief about quality, character-based leadership you should know. Quality, others-centered leadership is the very thing that attracted me to the teachings of Jesus Christ. His leadership brings about that win-win change I mentioned above. Once I believed His message and committed to His teachings, my life was changed. It's not my desire to make converts, but to live according to what I claim to believe. I don't do it very well sometimes, but in the interest of full disclosure, I thought you should know.
Character-based leadership when pursued with excellence, makes a positive difference. Let's partner together to share that message. Our world needs people like you and me to exit our comfort zones and improve the world. We don't have to agree on every detail, just share a desire to apply character-based leadership with excellence to change the world.
As of this writing, the Lead Change Group on LinkedIn is up over 520 members. I have met many wonderful friends from various faiths who share the passion to make their world better. And if you're motivated to make your world better, this group exists to help you. We're planning a get-together, called LeaderPalooza, February 19-20, 2010 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Please click the link for more details.
In January 2010, I'll have a couple of conference calls setting forth some goals for the group in the coming year. For now, please know that as you read this, I am grateful and thankful for your attention and humbled by those who have joined the group. Our commitment: helping people apply character-based leadership to make a positive difference.
Thank you. I hope that you have a wonderful holiday and then go on to change the world in 2010!
Thank you Mike for bringing your passion and vision to life with the Lead Change group! You inspire positive change in me personally and I appreciate all that you do. I am thankful for the Lead Change group and the folks I have met. I look forward to continuing our journey in 2010!!
Cheers to all!
Thank you for being a part of the group. I’m honored to be connected with so many great people who are quick to volunteer and interested in making a difference. Thanks for being a co-creator in this journey. I can’t wait to meet you.
Hi Mike,
One of my favorite recent leadership reads is the book “Lead Like Jesus” by Ken Blanchard & Phil Hodges. No matter what your faith, character traits modeled after Jesus translate into great leadership. Thanks for being so transparent with your faith and doing all you do for the group. I’m disappointed that I won’t be able to attend Leaderpalooza this year. I hope everyone has a wonderful time!
Warm regards,
.-= Janna Rust´s last blog ..Hope for the Holidays =-.
Thanks for the comments and the suggestion. That is a great book and the authors do have wonderful insight. But I’m sorry to hear you won’t be able to join us at LeaderPalooza.