Sequel: How Engaged Employees Create Engaged Clients

November 3, 2011
Sonia Di Maulo
Actions, Character, Character-based Leadership, Communication, engagement, influenceEvery passenger wants to be treated like a first class passenger and that is exactly what Porter does - their moto... Flying Refined.
Porter's Success
I was deep into my work as I noticed the snack and beverage cart from the corner of my eye. I was aware of it but not ready to disengage from my work. Then the Porter flight attendant slowly bent down to my level, turned her face directly in line with mine, made intense eye contact, smiled, and asked me if I would like a snack. Her approach was intense but consistent with every passenger as if she was memorizing their faces.
That night as I was driving in the cab towards my hotel, I thought of her approach and how different it was from the experience I had last week with a different airline. Shockingly different. She treated every passenger with the respect and attention they deserved... And her approach was memorable.
As I flew home the next day, I was again deeply entranced in my reading when the same flight attendant greeted my gaze. We both stopped and she said, "Hi you were on the late flight last night!" I knew it, she *did* memorize faces.
I felt special. Of course I did! The experience confirmed my preferred airline selection... Because of their on time performance, ease of travel, comfortable and refined flying, but most importantly the respect that I feel from each of the staff I have encountered since I started flying with Porter.
People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou
Yes, engaged employees DO created engaged (and loyal) clients!
As leaders, what are you doing to engage your staff. How will you ensure that they are engaged when you are not there?
Happy 5th Birthday, Porter! And congratulations on serving your five millionth passenger.
(The airline turned five on October 23, the day before my birthday, which makes flying porter that much more special.)
Note: I wrote this post on the flight. When I got home I found a perfect little package waiting for me from Porter.
Dear Sonia,
As we celebrate our fifth year of service on October 23rd, I'd like to express my sincere appreciation for your continued patronage of Porter. As one of our most frequent customers, it is my hope that you will continue to fly with us for years to come... (they gave me a coupon code for 50% off and a beautiful handcrafted luggage tag).
We are an airline driven to provide exceptional service, and recognizing our frequent travelers is very important to us. Please accept these gifts as a token of our thanks for every mile you've flown with us.
Robert Deluce
President and Chief Executive Officer
One word. WOW.
This is a great example defining authenticity. Words fall short of explaining what it is. It’s truly the actions that illustrate it best. I want to see more companies like Porter. It’s they who can make a difference in helping employees make meaning from the work they do.
I agree. There is a great opportunity for companies to stand apart and create work environments that allow employees to thrive, which in turn creates loyal customers. Organizations win, employees win, customers win. Simple, yet effective.
I agree 100% with your comments about Porter airlines. If your destination is on their flightpath – take Porter. They have a strong resemblance to the old “Ward Air” days, when customers were people first not $$$. Love the way they treat you.
Hi Cindy,
Thanks for sharing! My first choice is usually Porter… 🙂 they treat me right and the service is always consistent. Their service has strategy.