The gift of our leadership is the gift of our callings

May 20, 2013
Tal Shnall
Character-based Leadership, Courage, Growth, Inspiration, lead change, Purpose, Self DevelopmentThe leaders of tomorrow will embark on a self-discovery journey. They will listen to and act on their callings to fulfill the lives of others.
We all share an innate drive for meaning, guidance and purpose. We want to lead significant lives that matter and worth remembering. Lives that can make a memorable difference, lives that can improve the world.
If you want to be leader, you must have a calling - a relentless passion and desire to find out why you are here on this earth. Why do you lead? Why are you doing what you doing every single day? Every person may come up with a different answer but when we find out why we are here and what is our purpose in life, we are creating a life of significance for others.
Having a clear sense of your calling and purpose has a powerful influence on others. The search for meaning is the calling every person has in their life time. Mark Twain said it best, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why."
There is a true vigor that waits beneath all of us to tap into, if we can discover what we love. If you feel energy and excitement and a sense that life is happening for the first time, you are probably living your calling. Joy in what we do is not an added value; it is a sign of deep meaningful discovery of purpose.
Discover the gift that you can give or receive to honor your life calling as a leader. It's why you were born. And this is how you become truly alive. John C. Maxwell said, “If you have a heart to make a difference, you have a calling.”
Here are a few questions that can help you jump start your discovery:
Reflect on the last time you did something that mattered, something that truly had significance and lasting impact on your life or the life of others. What did you feel?
What can you do right now to make the most out of your life? What can you do to accomplish more, to celebrate more, and to make a difference in other people lives?
Each one of us can make a positive impact. We just have to get out there and do it. We can live our lives by honoring our callings to create a deeper connection and, by extension, a more authentic world.